Frequently Asked Questions
Q: | Does using JohnnyJogger cost me anything? |
A: | No, JohnnyJogger is completely free. |
Q: | How do I upload a file to JohnnyJogger? |
A: | Visit here for detailed instructions on how to upload a file. |
Q: | Is it safe to upload my data? |
A: | Yes. The JohnnyJogger analyzer only uses your data files to process your run information. No personal information is gathered or saved on JohnnyJogger's website. |
Q: | How can I find out more information about Nike+iPOD? |
A: | Visit for more information on Nike+iPOD. |
Q: | How can I copy and save the raw data displayed? |
A: | In Windows, right-click the data window and select 'Select All' from the pop-up window. Then, right-click the data window again and select 'Copy' from the pop-up window. Then you can paste the data in any text editor of your choice. The data can also be pasted into most spreadsheet applications. |
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